
How to look inside a black hole Astrophysics

How to look inside a black hole

When mass is so strongly concentrated that not even light can escape its gravitational field, physicists call this phenomenon a black hole. In reality, however, the name doesn’t quite fit its true physical nature. This is because some radiation, so-called Hawking radiation, is indeed emitted from a black hole. In addition, black holes set their surroundings in so much turmoil that in no way do they remain invisible: the matter falling into the hole forms an accretion disk around it, there are all kinds of swirling, turbulent magnetic fields – there’s little reason to fear falling into a black…
Why does dark matter behave differently in small galaxies than in large ones? Astrophysics

Why does dark matter behave differently in small galaxies than in large ones?

The most important characteristic of dark matter is that it interacts only by way of gravity. And as the only one of the four fundamental forces, gravity is always attractive. Therefore, no matter where it occurs, dark matter must always collect at the mass center of the respective structure, regardless of whether it is a small galaxy or a giant galaxy cluster. But in reality, things look quite different: in galaxy clusters, dark matter exhibits the expected behavior, but in smaller galaxies it is distributed much more widely than it should be. This arrangement could be explained in that…